Prostatitis is a common disease characterized by a wide range of therapeutic methods. In other words, there is no single treatment regimen that is equally effective for different forms of this pathology.

The same drug for different categories of patients can be both very productive and completely useless. However, doctors agree: treating prostatitis at home is one of the mandatory phases of a comprehensive program to restore men’s health. So, let’s get acquainted with the most popular methods and treat insidious prostatitis at home!
Can I be treated at home?
It is no secret that a person seeks qualified help only when all folk remedies have been tried at home. This approach is fundamentally wrong - it is worth resorting to the help of a specialist immediately after discovering unpleasant symptoms (discomfort in the groin area, painful frequent urination, weakening of the erection). And a doctor’s appointment can be subsequently combined with home treatment. Moreover, there are many proven ways to eliminate this disease. Remember: amateur performance in such an important issue as your well-being is forbidden, and "grandmother's" methods must be supplemented with drug therapy prescribed by a specialist.
Summarizing all the above, we can emphasize: it is possible to treat chronic prostatitis at home. But forgetting the existence of modern medical advances aimed at preserving the health of men is still not worth it.
Simple but powerful recipes
When asked how to treat prostatitis at home, they remember the simplest things - pumpkin seeds. The medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds are legendary. Ancient healers actively used them to treat all forms of prostatitis. The fact is that this product contains a large amount of zinc - an element that should be present in the daily menu of men, regardless of age. Only 30 pumpkin seeds every day (at once before meals) in the treatment of prostatitis - and a positive result will not come long. Even an advanced chronic process is treated in this way.
It is possible to treat the disease at home using the same starting material, but in a different way. You need to peel half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds, pass them through a meat grinder and add 200 grams of honey. Mix the resulting mass and form walnut-sized balls. You can store the medicine in the refrigerator. Patients with prostatitis should eat 1-2 such balls a day before meals.
You need to chew the sweet treat thoroughly. Keep in mind that you don’t have to fry the seeds. Just repeat these methods once a year - and chronic prostatitis will no longer bother you.
Another popular method is chestnut treatment. Take chestnut shells with needles and pour boiling water. Give the soup an hour and then drink it as a tea. An enema is also made with the resulting solution.
Ripe chestnut will help get rid of chronic prostatitis:
- Separate the crust from them, chop and pour boiling water (300 ml). Leave overnight.
- In the morning, strain the solution and place in a water bath.
- Pour the remaining 200 ml into a dark bottle.

Take 30 drops 3 times daily before meals. The duration of treatment for prostatitis is 2 months. To completely cure prostatitis, you will need at least 3 courses.
The benefits of juices
It turns out that chronic prostatitis can be cured at home with "tastier" methods. Juices are used for this, which is much more pleasant to drink than, for example, chestnut decoction. Although the use of freshly squeezed juices promotes the release of uric acid, which without receiving an outflow leads to the development of the disease. Asparagus, beets, carrots and cucumbers are especially good for treating juices at home. Asparagus deserves special praise from men. True, the amount of juice drunk during the day should be at least half a liter.
You can also treat prostatitis at home with the help of black elderberry juice. It must be taken early in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. The course is 10 days. To preserve the useful properties of the drink, it is recommended to add a little table vinegar to the juice. Note: a rise in body temperature is possible. This is completely normal and indicates that the treatment is effective.
Prostate massage
Prostate massage at home helps treat even the most advanced forms of the disease in men. The procedure can not be called pleasant, but the great effectiveness of the therapeutic effect makes you forget about the discomfort and adjust to a positive mood.
So what explains the positive effect? Why is massage at home positioned almost as a mandatory manipulation that leads to recovery? Let's figure it out. Massage helps not only to get rid of bacterial prostatitis (chronic), but also safely removes other forms (viral, mixed, gonorrhea). This is a massage:
- normalizes blood circulation in the prostate;
- improves prostate muscle tone;
- ensures the correct outflow of secrecy;
- increases the effectiveness of treating men with antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs.
However, unknowingly, a massage at home can be harmful. It is especially naive to believe that this procedure is performed independently, without the help of a urologist or andrologist. The massage should be performed only by an authorized specialist. The only thing: in the home environment, it is much easier for most to decide than in a public or private medical institution.

Prostate massage is one of the most commonly used treatments for inflammation.
Like any other medical manipulation, prostate massage at home has a number of contraindications. For example, massage will not give results in relation to acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic prostatitis with signs of malignant lesions, in the presence of cysts and stones in the prostate.
As for the indications, massage is prescribed for asymptomatic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, sexual dysfunction and lack of response to drug treatment. Also, massage is necessary to obtain prostate secretions for research purposes.
Apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis
To save men from tedious trips to the clinic and to treat prostatitis at home, special devices will make it possible.
These devices work on different principles and are therefore classified as follows:
- Vibration effect. Thanks to microvibration, congestion in the prostate is removed, muscle tone is increased and the symptoms of urinary tract irritation are alleviated.
- Electric shock. Aimed at stimulating tissue by modulated currents through rectal or skin electrodes.
- Magnetic shock. The magnetic device has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
- Laser exposure. Such devices are treated with infrared radiation.
It is impossible not to mention the devices themselves. In the modern market of medical equipment, there are a large number of devices for physiotherapy procedures at home.
Drug therapy
Drug treatment is another mandatory item in the treatment of prostatitis. It is quite understandable that medical methods are more relevant than ever. Even the most innovative achievements and massage cannot compete with the achievements of pharmacology. In order to get rid of tuberculous, gonorrheal prostatitis, as well as prostatitis caused by ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas, only antibiotics are allowed.
Prostatitis requires a carefully thought-out treatment regimen. Sometimes taking medication at home is delayed for several months. It all depends on the shape and severity of the process. Thus, chronic prostatitis in men is much more difficult to cure than acute. In any case, drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
You cannot take any medication without consulting a specialist, otherwise the situation will only get worse. As you can see, prostatitis can be treated at home, the main thing is not to ignore the advice of experts and follow the recommendations of the doctor who comes.
Be healthy!